A low-power multi-purpose low latency wireless sensor platform.

Project Details
An LED strip controller? Yep. A wireless temperature & humidity sensor? Sure. A remote fireworks launcher? Why not.
This tiny node was designed to be a generic wireless platform with low latency, high availability, and minimal power requirements. Originally starting as an idea for a single-channel LED strip controller for my kitchen, this project slowly evolved to become the basis of a homemade mesh network-based home automation system. And yes, I’ve even used it to launch fireworks.
The project uses an ATtiny84 AVR and an nRF24l01+ transceiver which provides ultra low power 2.4GHz communication. With the right settings a battery-powered node could last many months on a charge. The nodes can operate independently or form a mesh network with others to ensure that communication to all nodes is fast and reliable. A custom-made nRF24l01+ to ethernet bridge allowed nodes to be accessible over an IP network for control via phones and computers.
Personal project
PCB design & assembly
Firmware design